Non-Radio Notes: Genitourinary

Groin & Scrotal pain:

- Strangulated inguinal/femoral hernia
- Torsion of testis
- Torsion of hydatid of Morgagni (epididymal appendage)
- Acute epididymitis / orchitis
- Haematocele following trauma / scrotal surgery (eg. vasectomy)

- Inflamed inguinal lymph nodes
- Strained muscle attachments
- Referred pain from diseased hip joint
- Early inguinal hernia
- Chronic inflammation from vasectomy
- Chronic bacterial epididymitis
- Recurrent incomplete testicular torsion (*often a/w abnormal anatomical relationship with surrounding structure)


Scrotal lump:

- Indirect inguinal hernia
- Testicular tumor
- Epididymal cyst
- Chronic epididymitis
- Hydrocele (primary / communicating / encysted)
- Varicocele
- Cyst of Hydatid of Morgagni
- Spermatocele
- Swollen testicle post-trauma
- Non-testicular tumor (eg. Leiomyosarcoma, Liposarcoma)


Causes of Impotence:

- Vascular: Decreased blood flow / leak of blood from corpus cavernosus
- Endocrine: Low testosterone
- Anatomical: eg. Peyronie's disease
- Neurological: Post-op, DM
- Medication: Clonidine
- Psychologic: Performance anxiety


Causes of Haematuria:

- Bladder carcinoma
- Trauma
- Cystitis from chemotherapy / radiation
- Stones
- Kidney lesion


Causes of bladder outlet obstruction:

- Stone
- Foreign body
- Urethral valve
- Urethral stricture


Causes of ureteral obstruction:

- Stone
- Tumor
- Iatrogenic (eg. Suture)
- Stricture
- Gravid uterus
- Radiation injury
- Retroperitoneal fibrosis


Symptoms of BPH

- Frequency
- Hesitancy
- Nocturia
- Urgency
- Poor stream & intermittent flow
- Incomplete bladder emptying
- Terminal dribbling
- Post-micturition dribbling
- Double micturition


Acute & reversible causes of urinary incontinence

- Delirium
- Restricted mobility, Retention
- Infection, Inflammation (Acute UTI, atrophic vaginitis, urethritis), Impaction (faecal)
- Polyuria, Pharmaceutical

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